all about hygge + how it's changed my life!

Happy (Snowy) Friday, Darlin's ♥

So, my guess is by some point in time, you have heard or read about


(pronounced Hoo-Ga) and if you haven't? well you've come to the right place!

So, about a year ago my brother Joe started talking to me about this thing called "Hygge" and being a classic little sister I was all "okayyyy bro sounds cool whatevs" - my brother had said that I


to learn more about it, because it was totally "me". He mentioned it a bunch more times until I finally took some time to read about and learn that OMG, this was totallllllly my jam.

Hygge is about sharing special moments with special people. It's about being cosy, about staying home, about enjoying every moment. It's about the little things in life, cosying up in a blanket and drinking a delicious coffee (or tea!) it's about spending time with people who you love that make you truly happy. It's about living your (best) most cosy life.

I read

the little book of hygge - the danish way to live well

by Meik Wiking and it was just magic. It further confirmed that Hygge is a way of life that is veryyyyy Jules!

This is my first Hygge post of many more to come! But for now, I hope you will learn a little something about this Danish way to live well

Here's a little description of Hygge from the book - 

"Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe, that we are shielded from the world and allow ourselves to let our guard down. You may be having an endless conversation about the small or big things in life - or just be comfortable in each other's silent company - or simply just be by yourself enjoying a cup of tea."

We're having the most hygge weekend ever this weekend. Starting with today! I'm currently snuggled up on the couch with a blanket while the snow is falling down outside! I'm going to make a coffee, read my book and then make dinner for Pete and I.

Below are a few photo's from our new house and how cosy & hygge it is: