20 things to do in 2020
January is almost over, and yes this month has been very long and very emotional for a lot of us. I mentioned in my last post how much I love goal setting and that fresh start kinda feeling. I am finally done my 20 things to do in 2020 list! I am proud of myself for completing this before the end of January because it always takes me a while.
I’ve been doing these lists for the past few years now and love doing it! I first heard about the intention of these lists on Happier with Gretchen Rubin. Essentially creating a list of things you can actually cross off, rather than saying you want to try certain things or do more of something.
It’s fun to do something like this + have things you can physically cross off! I’ve actually already crossed a few off and have a few in the works. I don’t think I have ever completed an entire list, so I really hope this is my year!
Did you set any goals for this year? I hope this might inspire you to :)
J U L E S’ 2 0 T H I N G S T O D O I N 2 0 2 0:
Record a new podcast episode of Confetti Culture
Get Otis his first ever passport
Go on a road trip to Target
Get a new tattoo
Spend the day at Body Blitz
Make a Sunday roast
Take my first ever wine tour
Go on a trip with Pete + Otis
Take Otis swimming
Attend a meetup or workshop or class
Buy a vintage item that I love (buy more vintage!)
Attend a Mom + Baby group
Complete my list of 20 coffee dates/meetups
Keep a baby book for Otie
Go to Kitten + The Bear
Make my own pom-poms
Make prints using my font
Start "@babiesintoronto” Instagram account
Explore a new city with baby O
Cross everything off this list!