International Day of Happiness
Happy International Day of Happiness //
Happy Spring!
Wow, today was a really good day! So many good vibes and wonderful moments. Surprised one of my besties with birthday surprises at work, went for sushi lunch with awesome buds, made mimosas for everyone at the office, and it was so warm and sunny in Toronto that I walked home from work. I ran in to 2 of my favourite people on the way home, picked up some fresh flowers, and a gift for a friend and there we have it, HAPPINESS! Here's last years blog post on International Day of Happiness!
Some things making me happy lately:
Waking up to the most beautiful skies, and being about the see the CN tower from my balcony.
My favourite girl sent me this blog post this morning with the most amazing quote - "When Spring came there were no problems except where to be happiest"
The Google header for the first day of Spring made me really happy today.
Simply searching the #InternationalDayOfHappiness hashtag on social media. SO much happy!
Constantly remembering why I am so lucky and having absolutely nothing to complain about. This print makes for a perfect mantra and I think everyone would agree!
Speaking of a mantra, I had so much fun writing my mantra for my blog. It perfectly describes how I feel about life in general and this blog! :
life is SO good. Today and every day I am so thankful to live my life in a positive way that constantly brings so much happiness. I am surrounded by so many incredible people who make me happy every single day. I hope you found some happy today, and continue to do so every day.